Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Opportunity to Test Pilot NCI's La Quimioterapia y Usted

Patient Educators in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area! Looking for an opportunity to assist NCI in a revision of their publication La Quimioterapia y Usted? Please see the announcement below from the National Cancer Institute.


The National Cancer Institute is looking for volunteers to help pilot test La quimioterapia y usted, a Spanish revision to Chemotherapy and You. For this pilot test, NCI needs patient educators who treat and educate chemotherapy patients for whom Spanish is their native and preferred language. The pilot test will help NCI ensure that this new resource is a helpful educational tool for health professionals and meets the needs of Spanish-speaking patients.

The purpose of the pilot is to determine:
If the rewritten version of La quimioterapia y usted is a useful teaching tool
Your patients’ reactions to the content and presentation of the material
Your reactions to the usability of the book in patient education
Your patients’ ability to understand the terms, suggestions, and instructions that include English/Spanish vocabulary

If you or your colleagues are interested in participating in the pilot test of this book, please contact Karina Jimenez at ORC Macro, Project Manager, for detailed information at Karina.D.Jimenez(at)orcmacro.com or (301) 572-0303.

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